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Is It Safe to Travel?

Oct 13, 2024

2 min read




When discussing international travel to certain hotspots, safety concerns often arise.

Let me remind you that only two things in life are certain: death and taxes.

Thus, the first and most straightforward answer is "No," it's not safe to travel.

You will certainly face taxes and may encounter the possibility of death.

This reminds me of a beloved camp director from my youth. When asked, "Am I gonna die?" he would promptly reply, "Yes, just not on my watch." Not today. Not here. Not while climbing this rock wall, etc. We must first acknowledge the inherent risks involved in doing anything more demanding than sipping your morning coffee (which also carries risks of burns and heart issues from caffeine consumption). While it's certain you will die, it's unlikely to happen while drinking coffee.

The same applies to this type of international travel. You will die, but probably not on this vacation.

Now, to answer "yes" - it is safe to travel. In 2024, approximately 1.4 billion tourists traveled, and most returned home safely. If you have specific concerns about a particular location or time, rest assured that our team of experts, including local guides, bus drivers, and international consultants, actively monitor geo-political events and are highly committed to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of all customers. With that said, some activities are riskier than others. Traffic accidents and heart attacks are among the most common causes of death worldwide. We strongly advise maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes wearing a seatbelt, obeying all traffic laws, regular exercise, and keeping a healthy BMI. By following these and all proper precautions for any given vacation, you can confidently have a wonderful experience, and make it home alive!

Oct 13, 2024

2 min read





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